
Ipswich Airport

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Ipswich Airport

Ipswich Airport

Ipswich Airport: 1980 07 16.

Rolleiflex 3.5 MX-EVS, Tri-X Professional, D-76 1+1, 10 minutes at 20 degrees C.

Taken from one of the 3 Cessna 150s (G-AVJE, G-AWAV, G-ATMN) of Ipswich School of Flying. I was right-seat on this trip and it does not appear in my log-book. Probably Dave Howse was P1.

Runway 26/08 appears foreshortened at this angle; it was considerably longer than 14/32, which also had deeply displaced thresholds at both ends. When landing on 26, people who didn't like back-tracking were in the habit of ignoring the displaced threshold and touching down before the numbers so they could immediately turn right along 34 for the apron. I managed it myself a few times with help from a good stiff west wind. Note, at the centre of the picture beyond the airfield, the piers for the new Orwell Bridge under construction. The 3 chimneys of the old power station (demolished 1994 11 27) are to the right of the bridge work. It was said that you could always find Ipswich Airport from anywhere in East Anglia however murky the weather. The idea was to follow the compass east until you found a coastline, then fly along the coast (north or south depending on where you thought you'd started from) until you came across the confluence of the rivers Orwell and Stour (a unique feature), then fly up the River Orwell until you saw the 3 chimneys, at which time you knew you were right base for 08!

In the bottom right-hand corner of the picture is the old A45 Ipswich - Felixstowe road following the line of the railway just to its left. The new dual carrigeway, carried by the bridge when completed, became the A45/A12 and then later the A45 was redesignated the A14.

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