
CS14 alignment

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CS14 alignment

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CS14 alignment

CS14 alignment: 2008-10-03

Nikon Coolpix 8400

CS14 positioned on flox pads. The tip of the full-thread bolt on the CS14 almost meets the tip of the bellcrank pivot bolt fitted to the starboard spar. That bolt is hidden by the short spacer tube at the bottom and the smaller-diameter tube further up. That tube ensures that both bolts are aligned. There is no pressure on the CS14 while the flox pads cure other than its own weight, so no tendency for distortion.

CS14 locating pad

CS14 locating pad: 2008-10-04

Nikon Coolpix 8400

One of the flox pads left after the waxed base of the port CS14 was knocked off. All the mounting holes were drilled before removal of the CS14s to ensure most accurate positioning. Note the upper surface of the port spar covered with parcel tape to avoid unwanted adhesion.

CS14 locating pads

CS14 locating pads: 2008-10-06

Nikon Coolpix 8400

CS14 mounting pads, starboard side, after filing off excess rough edges. You can just see that the flox has been formed into fillets to provide alignment on the 3 outer sides of each pad.

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