
Europa #435 G-RODO Build Journal - 2024 03

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23 I forget to log some work on the seat cushion covers on the actual days that it was done; I know it was sometime in the early part of March, but is only now being written up

Pin a zip onto the first side of the cushion cover that has had the corners boxed. Sew it on; tricky keeping things aligned around the corners but it may look OK once turned right side out. Remove the pins.

On another day, pin the second side of the zip onto the other face of the cover. Start to sew, but things jam up and the material stops feeding at a point just beyond the first corner. This happens repeatedly and I cannot understand why - there seems to be no visible obstacle. Can restart sewing just beyond, but have trouble keeping it straight and true; the foot controller is a bit sensitive and I tend to find things are going faster than preferred. Stop here - getting dispirited.

My general mood is affected by the fear that my lungs may not be improving enough to allow the AME to reinstate my flight medical certificate. I guess the thought that I might no longer be legal to fly my Europa is not helping my motivation to get on and finish it.

Having received an update notice from Airbox/Runway HD a couple of days ago, I pulled out the iPhone 6S to install the update and was alarmed to see that the screen was bulging a lot. The battery from iFixit that I installed about 11 months ago has obviously failed already.

24 Start a guarantee claim with iFixit for the iPhone 6S battery.
27 iFixit agrees to supply a replacement iPhone 6S battery under guarantee.
28 Replacement battery for iPhone 6S delivered from iFixit - very speedy service!
29 Dismantle iPhone 6S, remove faulty battery and install new one. Do a forced restart.

Charge to 100% (at about 20:00) and continue charging for another 2 hours (about 22:00). Disconnect from power and set webinars running on YouTube to run the battery down overnight.

30 The iPhone 6S has run right down. Charge it fully, continuing for at least 2 hours after it shows full charge. All seems fine now.

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